Re: Any hope of KDE 3.5 in F10? I want it too !

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Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
Em Sexta 20 Junho 2008, David Boles escreveu:
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Friday 20 June 2008 21:09:57 Craig White wrote:
My experience is that each Linux
distribution has its own strengths and weaknesses and that all
Linux users benefit from having options.
Precisely.  I  use CentOS where I need total stability, Mandriva
where I want ease for technophobics and Fedora on the rest.  Where
else do you get choice like this?
Anne, and all KDE users. Do any of you really, and I mean really,
believe that Fedora is responsible for the KDE 'problems'? That the
KDE problems are not KDE's problems? That Fedora released in their
ISO's a KDE that was made intentionally to 'break' KDE in Fedora?
I saw no one stating nothing like that. The blame some people have put 
on Fedora was for shipping an incomplete KDE4 when there was the option 
to ship the fully functional KDE 3.5.9. These people said that Fedora 
should have waited for KDE4 to become more stable/functional before 
opting to include it in Fedora.
That's all, and even that is arguable.

Agreed that Fedora could have shipped the deprecated KDE 3.5.x. But those KDE users that *made an effort* to look and, and try, KDE 4.x *first*, and did not like it, should have said - I stop here for now with Fedora 8 because I don't like it or it is not 100%. I will wait.
No one *forced* you, or anyone else, to upgrade/install Fedora 9 with KDE 4.x. 
No one held a gun to your head. No one said that they would eat your baby. The 
choice was yours. And you took it.
If you think KDE 4.x is broken on your machine or in your mind then you win 
the pieces. You broke your install by installing Fedora 9 with KDE 4.x. Which 
was your choice. Not mine. Not Fedora's. Your's.
Many others are adjusting to KDE 4.x and some are even saying that they like 
it. Anne is a very active KDE user and she tells me that things are improving 
all of the time.
BTW. Next time you blame someone for giving you something for free give it a 
double, or triple thought before you do. These people work very hard to *give 
you, for free*, what you are complaining about here. If you had *paid* for it 
I might accept your points. If you had made the effort to look before you 
leaped I might accept your points. As for now? I do not.
This thread has become a whiners contest. Who can whine the longest or the 
loudest. Or both.


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