Re: Any hope of KDE 3.5 in F10? I want it too !

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Anne Wilson wrote:
On Friday 20 June 2008 21:09:57 Craig White wrote:
My experience is that each Linux
distribution has its own strengths and weaknesses and that all Linux
users benefit from having options.
Precisely.  I  use CentOS where I need total stability, Mandriva where I want 
ease for technophobics and Fedora on the rest.  Where else do you get choice 
like this?

Anne, and all KDE users. Do any of you really, and I mean really, believe that Fedora is responsible for the KDE 'problems'? That the KDE problems are not KDE's problems? That Fedora released in their ISO's a KDE that was made intentionally to 'break' KDE in Fedora?
I know that you don't Anne  ;-)  This is mostly addressed at the other users 
posting in these several threads.
Ok. How many of those of you that are disappointed or upset with KDE 4.x did 
any research *before* you installed/upgraded? How many of you downloaded a KDE 
Live-CD and actually tried it *before* you installed/upgraded?
If you did not look or try it first you have very little to really complain 
about here. Would you buy a car, a house, rent an apartment, buy a suit, buy a 
pair of shoes without first looking at them or trying them out/on? Try before 
you buy.


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