Re: howto use curl to get Internet IP

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Dave Burns wrote:
On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 7:48 AM, Jim <mickeyboa@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I want to use  curl to get my Internet IP address, and getting it to
Using and to get my IP for ddclient, isn't working
out, they shutout  ddclient  after  awhile from getting my Internet IP  to
send to .
I understand curl can get the Internet IP for ddclient, does anyone know of
a  HowTo to show me how to do this ?

1) if you insist on this approach, here's a hint:curl -o - 2>/dev/null|grep 128
Replace 128 with some part of your IP number that you're confident
will not change. In the example, I used the left 3 digits of my IP
number. Use sed or awk to scrape off the crud that wget will spew out
along with the IP number.

2) why not just use /sbin/ifconfig -a? Your machine knows its own IP
number as well or better than

3) why not man curl? That is, read the man page of the command you are
asking about. You don't sound like you've even tried to do your


What approach would you suggest that is better to use ?
I have a DSL AP 2Wire783 in front of my computer that does not have the capability of giving me the Internet IP.

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