Re: F8 -> F9 horror

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Todd Zullinger wrote:
scm in seattle wrote:
I have been using F8 for a while now and simply put it was the only
distro that supported my laptop (fairly) well.

Today I accepted what appeared to be 'typical' updates. The size of
the update concerned me slightly (500Mb) but turned to horror when
it finished and I rebooted.
KDE4 is not in F8 updates.  So you didn't perform any sort of typical
update.  You upgraded your install to F9.  And if you did that, you'd
have checked the release notes to see that KDE 4 replaces KDE 3 in F9.

KDE4 should NEVER be installed over KDE without explicit permission
of the user. Ever. Period.
It's not.  Calm down.  If you upgrade to a release that includes KDE 4
by default, you don't get to act shocked that it has -- GASP! -- KDE

I finally got around to installing KDE4 on one of my machines. i don't see what all the whining is about, it has a few wrinkles, nothing that can't be worked around in the short term. I am happy to say that, it looks like very soon, I will get to go home again. Thanks to all the folks working on KDE!

On the eighth day he said "There shall be no rest for the weary."

On the ninth day he farted, and it smelled like sulphur.

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