Re: how to find WEP/WPA key to network if possible

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Mike Burger wrote:
--- "Kevin J. Cummings" <cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
That's what some teachers got to do after the Network
became encrypted.  They took their computers to the
Administrator and he put the key in for them and they
are happily surfing.  Other teachers that seldom use
their laptops, brought it to school only to find out
that they cannot use the wireless network because it
has a new key that they need to put in to be able to
use it.  This happened without warning and some of my
colleagues are mad.  I do not know what to tell them.
I wish I knew more about wireless networking.
While I sympathize with their plight, in this regard, I do have note that
were I the networking supervisor, my sympathy would be limited.

I imagine that this person would have sent out numerous notices that they
would be implementing wireless encryption before doing would be
standard practice (I could be wrong...this person may not have done so,
but I doubt that to be the case).

Given that a responsible person would have left important passwords with 
someone who wasn't away on holiday this might not be the case.

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