Re: Weirdness with Fedora/XP upgrade -- update

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Aaron Konstam wrote:
On Sat, 2008-05-24 at 20:55 +0000, Beartooth Sciurivore wrote:
On Fri, 23 May 2008 20:01:59 +0000, Beartooth Sciurivore wrote:

	So I put in the DVD from which I had successfully gotten F9 onto
three machines, and told XP to reboot.

	It has done the same thing -- gone through the first few steps,
only to sit there with a blank white screen.

	The monitor is new, a HP w2207h 1680x1050; but the other two PCs
manage with it, both behind a KVM switch and directly connected. And the
dual-boot machine is much the newest!

	What could be doing this, and how do I fix it??
I tried again, with the known good DVD and the known good external USB DVD-drive. It did it again, and I let it go all night. Next morning (today), still bare white screen.
	I rebooted, and established that it still did boot fine into F8 
as well as XP.
	I tried it yet another time, using text mode. All went smoothly, 
up to the point of installing Tomboy -- which it shouldn't install in an 
upgrade, since that isn't in my F8.
Are you sure it is tue that onnly programs that are in F8 are installed
in F9 if you do an upgrade?

As I understand it Anaconda will upgrade what is 'there' along with the dependencies from the new packages. If Tomboy is not in the original install but some package in the upgrade depends on Tomboy you will get Tomboy.


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