Epson CX7400 printer and FC9

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The latest version of gutenprint is supposedly able to support this printer. Any idea where I find that? If there is one issue with Linux it's that by the time printer and scanner hardware is supported it's no longer in production. I can't count how many scanners I have bought (new) which just didn't work, and by the time they worked the new model or new firmware was out and I couldn't buy the one that works.
Anyway, I would like to use this setup because it's quite neat but 
totally unsupported.
Alternatively, if I could use the USB printer and scanner directly from 
Windows under kvm without causing the working system printers to die, I 
would do that. Last time I tried the printer worked but the rest of the 
system printers hung after I did it. :-(
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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