Re: Web server permission in FC9

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Tim wrote:
THIS IS NOT A TOP POSTING LIST.  I will NOT answer any further top posts
on this thread, and I won't be the only one that feels that way.  If you
want help from the members, conform to this list's etiquette.
Charles Layno:
I was going to thank you for your help. It solved my problem but if this bothers you to the point of a busting a blood vessel, I think I will look elsewhere for help. I know you don't care, and I don't care you don't care, but you ranting is not worth my time and I will be sure to "spread the word" of this list's "helpfulness at your own risk" in my travels.
[snipped most of Tim's observations]

Bloated messages waste everybody's bandwidth and storage space (the list
server's, and all of the list participants).
And just how is this tirade reducing bandwidth bloat?  I don't blame you
for criticizing the top-posting, but address your harangue to the poster
directly, NOT the list.

Let's not start a flame war over this.  I'm only posting to the list
because you ignore your mailbox and I want you to see it.  Otherwise
this would be sent to you only.  I just thought it was ironic to bloat
bandwidth in order to complain about bloating bandwidth.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                       rps2@xxxxxxxx -
- Hosting Consulting, Inc.                                           -
-                                                                    -
-         The Navy's a bunch of wimps!  MY job's an adventure!       -

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