Re: kde4 problem

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Kevin Kofler wrote:
Don Levey <fedora-list <at>> writes:
proper resolution (though it didn't do anything). But then I selected something like "Compiz Manager". I was told to restart the X server, which I did - and now after logging in all I get is a white screen.. I can get to a console session, but if I try to restart the X session I get the white screen again (or worse, a black screen, in which I can type but nothing happens). There seems to be a compiz process still running, and hogging lots of CPU.
So it looks like you switched to Compiz and that isn't working properly.

If you used the Compiz Switcher which is part of compiz-kde, you should have a file called .kde/env/ in your home directory. Remove that file and you should end up with KWin running again.
If that doesn't work or if you didn't have that file in the first place, create 
that ~/.kde/env/ file and write this into it:
export KDEWM

The file was there; I moved it out of the way and KDE now works.  Thank you!


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