Re: Updating the background image

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On 2008-05-22 21:26, Jason D. Triolo wrote:
There's a webcam image that I want to use as background wallpaper, and have that image automatically update at a given interval. I was able to do this with a script, up through Fedora 6. The script stopped working from 7 and up, and I abandoned the project.
As I move to 9, I would like to get that little toy back. Downloading 
the image is the easy part (the script still does that flawlessly), but 
the problem comes in getting the GNOME desktop to see the changed file 
and apply the change.
Can anyone offer some advice?
Perhaps you can use (one line, all but last argument as is):

gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename /path/to/file.jpg

Sjoerd Mullender

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