Re: BUG in Anaconda, it seems -- more, maybe

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Beartooth wrote, On 05/21/2008 04:46 PM:
On Wed, 21 May 2008 16:14:57 -0400, Todd Denniston wrote:

If no one else pipes up, my suggestions would be: A) strings
rhinstall-stage2.img |less
	and see if it looks like your bug report.
	I did that. It looks to me like an endless column of gibberish, 
mostly eight or ten characters wide, with here and ther a short line 
containing words.
B) cp rhinstall-stage2.img rhinstall-stage2.img.test
	OK -- I did that.

    mount -oro,loop rhinstall-stage2.img.test /mnt/
assuming Squashfs is built into your Ubuntu kernel.
	I gave the first line above as a command, as root; it returned me 
to my prompt. Now what?
ls /mnt/ # :)
ls -R /mnt/
and start exploring the filesystem now mounted at /mnt.
as Squashfs is compressed (sorry I forgot about that in suggestion A), the file containing the bug report may still be in there, but now you might be able find it as it is (probably) a normal file now.

I see you're at Crane. Give my best to Bill and Karen Worrall, if they're still there!
Don't know them, but then I don't know a lot of folks here. :(

Todd Denniston
Crane Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC Crane)
Harnessing the Power of Technology for the Warfighter

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