Re: PATH Issues

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Sieranski, Greg wrote:
Bill Crawford wrote:
2008/5/21 Sieranski, Greg <greg.sieranski@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I tried renaming my .bash_profile to .profile and restarting. But the same
thing happens, double entries. This just makes no senese.
... in which case it is already set when you enter that script. Have
you logged completely out, and back again?

yes,  i restarted the machine.

I removed the things from path so that it was just PATH=$PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
I logged out and back in

i then added them back and now its

which is correct. So its seems that if I have my path set to
and then log out or shutdown etc... when I restart it gets loaded twice. But if I change it after the machine starts up then the PATH is correct
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