Re: F9: libusb & palm syncing not working

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Paul Johnson wrote:
On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Brian Mury <brianmury@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 15:07 -0500, Paul Johnson wrote:
I wonder if you have done the basic configuration described in
/usr/share/doc/pilot-link?  Look in README-usb and README-fedora.  You
have to copy a udev config file out of one directory and into another
in order to make it work.  And I think it is also necessary to add
your user  to the group "uucp"  but I just learned that from usenet
conversation, not the manual.
Yes, I did all of that.

One thing is to try to run pilot-link as root.  If it works there,
then you have the old permission problem.
I did that too, no luck.

Well, if I don't get this to work for my colleague, I suppose I'll
have to install Ubuntu to see if that works.


In the words of some obscure or famous person somewhere at sometime:

Victory is a mindset not an end result.

Easier said than done of course.
My .0000000000000000002 cents

On the eighth day he said "There shall be no rest for the weary."

On the ninth day he farted, and it smelled like sulphur.

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