Re: Using Gparted

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Jim wrote:
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Jim wrote:
Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *           1         510     4096543+  83  Linux
/dev/sda2             511         854     2763180   83  Linux

This computer has one of those SSD drives in EEEpc
The harddrive has been partitioned with a / and /home ext3 by FC9 and operating system is installed. I split the 8gb SSD harddrive in half, equal to two partitons and now I find / needs more space than /home. I took 1gb away with Gparted from /home and it is now "unallocated" I want give that 1gb , to /
You will need to move the /home partition to the end of the disk before you can add the space to the / partition. The problem is that the free space is now at the end of the disk, so you can not add it to the first partition. (It could be done if you were using LVM for /.)
So I would have to reinstall and set my partitions to the sizes I want, That's a shame I had a good clean install and
now I have to hope I get as lucky on a new install.

Well as the Marines say, "War is Hell, but Peace Time is a SOB"

Well, it depends on how full /home is. If you can shrink home to 2gb or less, and move it into the free space you create, you can then grow / to the size you want, move /home back, and expand it again. Or you can backup /home, remove it, grow /, recreate /home to its new size, and restore it.
But if you are going to try this while booting from the drive, I 
would back up anything important and be ready to re-install. You can 
boot in run level 1, and unmount /home, but it is still risky 
changing the size of mounted partitions.

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