Re: FC2 -> F7 via yum

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Trever L. Adams writes:

It appears that ATA is initialized before the SCSI on this system
(2.6.12). Therefore, I think the mapping would be:

hda - > sda
hdb (cdrom?) - > sdb
hdc -> sdc
sda -> sdd
sdb -> sde

Is this accurate? Is there a way to use labels so I can be certain grub
and fstab are correct?
Yes.  Use e2label to label your existing partitions. To relabel swap, 
temporarily swapoff, then run mkswap with the -L option, then swapon.
For grub's config, change the root=/dev/whatever kernel option to 
root=LABEL=[label]. Also replace all /dev labels in /etc/fstab with 

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