Re: mounted device icons not appearing in F9 (rawhide)

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rlengland@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
From: Anne Wilson <cannewilson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2008/04/25 Fri PM 01:13:25 CDT
To: For users of Fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: mounted device icons not appearing in F9 (rawhide)
On Friday 25 April 2008 04:46:03 Richard England wrote:
I have what I believe is a fully updated rawhide F9 installation with
NFS functioning.

I have entries in /etc/fstab and the   "mount /mnt/foo"  commands work
as expected and data is accessible on the mounted drives (mounted from
other systems on my internal home network).

The only issue I'm seeing is that the desktop icons are not appearing on
the F9 system.

The mounts are being done by opening a new terminal and su'ing to root.
In past release this caused the desktop icons to appear. Is anyone else
seeing this behaviour?  Any suggestions on where to investigate?

I was unsuccessful locating anything resembling this on Bugzilla.

I'm not sure that we are going to get the desktop icons - and I for one do prefer them, for their visibility. In F9 a widget pops up when such a device is inserted, and in that widget you elect to open it in dolphin. You can configure the length of time that the widget stays visible.
The question I asked was how to umount it.  I was told that it is done within 
dolphin - the icon in the left-hand panel.  It works, no doubt about it, but 
I don't like it much.  For one thing, it feels clumsy in the extreme to open 
it by one method and then use a totally unrelated method to umount it.

I wasn't real clear, I guess.  

The mounted devices, in my case, are not removable devices.  They are disks that exist on other computers on my network that are shared by NFS.  (BTW, I see the same issue with smb/cifs.)  I manually perform the mounts when needed. using "mount /mnt/<exported_directory>"  with  the appropriated entries added to fstab....

Also, I'm using Gnome, if that matters. Trying to read between the lines, is the fstab entry technique deprecated? Is there a new process that is supposed to be used? I suffer from a certain amount of inertia, here. If it works, I just keep on using the same technique. Perhaps I missed the change.
Enlighten me, anyone?




same for me. i have some nfs shares entered in fstab and i can't see them on the computer icon or when mounted on the desktop like it was in previous fedora releases. in gnome i can only do manual mounts via Disk Mounter applet. did i miss some default changes or is this a bug.

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