Re: Mount Problems in Fedora 9

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"G" wrote:
I installed Fedora 9 today and its really good. I found a problem .
The Gnome mount does not seem to work . I have got few windows
partitions as FAT32 and one windows partition as NTFS though i am able
During install, did you use the partition editor to set the ntfs partition with a mount point ? Reason I ask is that I did, but anaconda didn't make a mount line in fstab for it. It worked fine after I copied the line from /etc/fstab that F8 used {ie with a GUID= value}.
to see these partitions listed in the places menu in gnome, i am not
able to mount it. I clicked on one of the partitions and it asked me
for a password and i did enter it and after that even when i click on
the partitions i dont get to see them. I faced the same issue when i
installed PackageKit from the utopia repository in Fedora 8. Is it
because of  a problem with HAL ? Curious to know whether anyone has
faced it ?
It didn't occur for me in F8, F9beta, or rawhide over the past 2x months.

There was a time when my NTFS os started to start, and I hard powered off. This left the NTFS in an inconsistent state. There are some ntfsX tools that can examine the structure. I used the NTFS's winos to perform the disk check / fix and then it was OK.

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