Re: Fedora 9 and the road to KDE4

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Timothy Murphy wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Since KDE 4 seems to be the current hot topic here, let me pitch in with
my own view on the state of affairs. Hope you enjoy it.
I found this article very interesting and instructive, 
as one would expect from Rahul.
Surprisingly, I find the changes in Fedora-9/KDE relatively minor
and don't see the dramatic changes Rahul alludes to.
As always, I find the repeated suggestion that Fedora is bleeding edge
slightly bizarre, like an old maid who believes her dress is outrageous.
Hmm. I don't think I mentioned dramatic or bleeding edge anywhere. Just 
that it is a major release with many changes which I don't think anybody 
would deny.
I didn't see the cashew nut on the top right-hand corner (of what?)
that Rahul mentions.
Desktop. The article also has a screenshot to show this.

One thing I would like to see is for the test versions of Fedora-X
to be update-able to Fedora-X.
Well, they probably are, but one is always warned that they may not be.
I can't imagine it would be that difficult to organize,
and I would guess that it would vastly increase the number of people
running these versions.
It is difficult to organize since sometimes you have to revert back 
changes, move between incompatible configuration files etc but the last 
preview release to the general release has been automatic and supported 
in the last couple of releases.

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