Re: Problem loading Fedora

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Darrick Fitzgerald Ward wrote:
The icon continues to rotate as if it is still loading but it does nothing and I have let it continue for hours.  So I am at the step where it says formating / file system and it does not continue from there.

I have a western digital hard drive and I went to there website and downloaded the software to reformat the hard drive and erase everything that was on the hard drive so there should be nothing on the hard drive. It is 80GB. I select create new partitions because even though I have tried to choose the other options I get message like not enough space.

I have the ability to download things I need at work and creat cds to take home.

I was watching a stream of a basketball game when my pc crashed and when I tried to reboot I got an error that something was missing and could not go further.  I decided to then clear the hard drive and load linux as I no longer had my XP cd and I have had it crash before and wanted to try linux.

Further detail on my system I do not know unless I go home and look. I am at work now.

Is there a easier linux load available for cd that I can do and then update to fedora once I have access to the internet.

----- Original Message -----
From: rlengland@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 10:58 am
Subject: Re: Problem loading Fedora
To: For users of Fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>

From: Darrick Fitzgerald Ward <dward@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 >Date: 2008/04/29 Tue AM 10:17:32 CDT
 >To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
 >Subject: Problem loading Fedora
>I am trying to load fedor 6 on my Dell Dimension 4300 and it keeps getting stuck at Formating/File System. I am trying to understand how to get pass this or if there is something I need to do.
>I know that fedora 6 is old but I could only find fedora 8 on dvd and my pc will not boot from a dvd. I used to have windows xp on this pc but it crashed and I no longer have any of my pc disc or windows disc after a move I made a year ago.
>I am a novice but I am smart and hopefully can start using linux and learn quickly.
 >Thank you,
>-- Darrick, You should give more details about what "stuck" means. What messages are you seeing when this occurs? What options did you select while going through the installation? Did you elect to remove the XP partition, for instance? What the hardware is (disk type and size, mother board, etc.) What happened when your XP installation "crashed". It is possible that you have a permanent problem with your disk. Does XP still function in some damaged mode? There are a lot of smart folks on this list but they need a better understanding of where you are and how you got there.
Sounds like you might have a bad hard disk if you've had a couple of 
crashes and it gets stuck while formatting.
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