Re: Fedora Desktop future- RedHat moves

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Francis Earl wrote:
On Mon, 2008-04-28 at 07:58 +0930, Tim wrote:
A big company taking the moral stand versus a handful of users taking an
opposite moral stand.  Guess which one wins?
Francis Earl:
I don't see how setting up livna, or complaining about the contents
therein not being in Fedora is a moral stand? It's just lazy and/or
Do I really need to spell it out?  In the red corner we have a company
that has taken a stand on what they will and won't do.  In the blue
corner we have a user that has taken a stand that if the system doesn't
do what they think it should do, to hell with them...

Both sides are posturing about principles, but he's no David, and
Goliath isn't disturbed.
Using that analogy, Ubuntu is Davids stone... throw away.

People that use Fedora believe in its philosophies, if they're not for
you, there are around 300 more distros to pick and choose from.

Having that many distros should be proof enough that one size doesn't
fit all.

Given the breadth of choices available to the Linux user, why should
RedHat cave to those that believe playing an MP3 out of the box is worth
risking their company over?

Fedora has never been intended for your Grandparents, it is intended for
people that wish to play with the latest and greatest Linux has to

Grandparents != casual users

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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