Re: Fedora Desktop future- RedHat moves

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max bianco wrote:
>>  Which is a bizarre thing to be concerned about because the only thing they
could possibly do to diminish the value of the original copy would be to
improve it so much that no one would want the original.  As a potential user
of that improved version, I think that restriction is a bad thing.  And most
bizarre of all is the notion that I can't obtain my own copy of a GPL'd
library, and someone else's code under their own terms separately.

The hard work is done by the original author. So if I understand you
correctly, its ok with you if i use your code, improve it, and
relicense it so what you freely contributed is now going to cost you
money. So your hard work now belongs to someone else.
How can it belong to someone else when you still have it - and so does 
everyone else that wants it?  The problem is that other people have also 
done work that may or may not be free - that part isn't anyone else's 
business if the terms are acceptable to the end user and if I need those 
things I can't use any GPL'd code combined with it.  And this forces 
everyone to keep doing business with Microsoft.
  Les Mikesell

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