Re: Fedora Desktop future- RedHat moves

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Francis Earl wrote:
There is nothing you can really do about nvidia and ati, nothing but
reverse engineer things, or force them to open up the specs.
Of course there is: provide a stable interface for drivers and cooperate 
with instead of subverting the vendors that try to improve your product.
To answer your question, yes it does feel good being part of a minority
that asks "how are they able to get away with that?", and makes an
effort to ensure the industry can't rape users anymore.
Industry can only rape users if there is no competition.  Users choose 
what they buy.  The way to help them is to increase the available choices.
It speaks more
loudly for the ignorance of society at large that these things are even
an issue.
No, it means that you aren't addressing the real issue at all.  The real 
problem is that Microsoft has no competition, and by working to ensure 
that Linux distributions cannot contain everything they need to be a 
competitor, you are helping them maintain their monopoly status and 
their ability to rape users.
  Les Mikesell

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