Re: DI-LB604 load balancing router

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Frank Cox wrote:
On Fri, 25 Apr 2008 19:03:31 -0600
Frank Cox <theatre@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I use rsync to transfer files to my webserver.  I completed the article and
started uploading it and got about halfway through the graphics and blammo!
The router locked up.  After power-cycling the router I tried it again and it
locked up again at the same point.
In light of the problem I detailed in my previous message, I will obviously be
revising this article after I figure out what I'm going to do next.  However,
if anyone is interested in the article in its current form (what I wrote before
I found out that it can't scp a large file to my server), you can read it here:

You should be able to do it with firewall.

I had played around with firewall and it did appear to be possible, but you have to figure out how you are going to split things, and then setup rules to do it.
You can easily split things by IP range/hostnames or by protocol, and possibly a 
number of other things.   I don't have the set of rules that I was using at the 
time.   If you do some searches and have a decent understanding of routing/NAT 
you will probably be able to set it up.

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