Re: Fedora Installation Problems

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Sushant Vengurlekar wrote:

I was trying to install Fedora on my Home PC which has three partitions on it. One has WinXP on it and other is just a Data partition. The drive is a SATA Drive. When I reach the step which has the various partitions option on it the Fedora installer cannot recognize the drive. So I cannot go ahead. Did any one face such a problem? I was trying to install Fedora 8.
Most likely the Fedora installer doesn't recognize your SATA controller. 
 You're best bet would be to install from a LIVE CD/DVD and see if that 
works (more controllers supported in the boot image there), a Fedora 
Unity Respin of F8 (more up-to-date packages, less updates after 
install), or try the F9 Preview (more up-to-date installer).
I also tried installing FC8 on another machine which is a Dell Dimension 5150 which also has a Sata drive on it with 3 partitions one being for data and another for WINXP. On this machine the installer hangs after the vmlinuz and the initrd lines on Ready and doesn’t go ahead. Tried using the normal installation and text installation option but same problem.
Again, sounds like the installer is not prepared to recognize your 
particular hardware without extra drivers.  This is all fixable if you 
can get the installer to work.

Good Luck, and Happy Hacking!

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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