Re: Fedora Desktop future- RedHat moves

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Daniele Guazzoni wrote:

Yes, but... I still have a couple of machines running RH 7.3 that have never crashed and one of which had a 4+ year uptime run. I don't think fedora is likely to match that.
Well, if I want a stable system I'm likely not using Fedora.
But how do you get 'your' components developed to match the system 
without one or the other lagging far behind?
The Fedora project was clearly declared a "cutting-edge" so don't expect 100% stability or compatibility.
That's not a problem in early development of your 'next' version.  The 
problem is that there is no longer a graceful way to get from that 
bleeding edge you wanted to test to the final version you want to keep 
running until the next major change.
My last DNS was running on OpenBSD 2.1 for over 7 years, with a short downtime to swap a disk.
Upgrading DNS - or not - isn't a problem since it doesn't involve 
anything particularly version-specific.  Try something like a complex 
web site in mod_perl or java where you don't want to stay too far behind 
the new features but you also have to work around incompatibilities at 
version upgrades.

  Les Mikesell

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