Re: Fedora Desktop future- RedHat moves

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Daniele Guazzoni wrote:
I have nothing against paying for a piece of software but I want it 
reliable and I still want to know what's running under my desk.
I personally think that the RH approach (cutting-edge for free on Fedora 
and stable but licensed on RHEL) is absolutely ok.
Yes, but...  Back in the day when RH was making its name, you got to 
keep the versions you helped debug.  That is, the X.0 version that 
corresponds to today's fedora, gracefully evolved to an X.2 and X.3 
version that you could trust.  That doesn't happen anymore and if you 
want something resembling the versions with the bugs shaken out you have 
to blow away the copy of fedora and install the closest match of Centos 
that has been released.  It works but its not fun.
One of the greatest feature of Fedora is the strong community behind it.
But I think it would be absolutely hilarious if some other distribution 
is  the first to include fedora directory server and jboss either 
included or as installable packages.
If suddenly RH decide to drop the workstation market don't you think that someone will pick up the challenge ? If you look back at the days RedHat Linux was for free there was only a handful developers and look at Fedora now !
Yes, but... I still have a couple of machines running RH 7.3 that have 
never crashed and one of which had a 4+ year uptime run.  I don't think 
fedora is likely to match that.
  Les Mikesell

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