Re: Samba won't dance [Solved - sort of]

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Claude Jones wrote:
On Friday April 18 2008 9:18:25 am Craig White wrote:
I don't use firestarter and haven't looked at it in years.

as for ports...
netbios-ns      137/tcp                         # NETBIOS Name
Service netbios-dgm     138/tcp                         #
NETBIOS Datagram Service

I saw neither these descriptions (tcp or udp) nor their
137/138 numbers appear in your iptables dump that you sent to
the mail list. My deduction that these ports were not included
in your firewall listing was simply noting the lack of
presence of those ports in your listing.

I believe that port 138 is only UDP traffic...don't know if
TCP or UDP on port 137. I enable both TCP & UDP for smb
OK -- it would be 'interesting' if the Firestarter folks didn't 
know the above. I've been using it for years for simple 
firewalling, and it's generally been very reliable. I've 
configured Samba to work before just using the enable incoming 
SMB option in Firestarter. If you say the iptables rules that 
produced weren't sufficient, I'll take that into account if 
troubles reappear and investigate further. 

Firestarter? what's wrong with the native firewall provided?


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