Re: Boot option question

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max bianco wrote:
On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 2:14 PM, Patrick Baldwin
<Patrick.Baldwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Mark Haney wrote:

Patrick Baldwin wrote:

I'm guessing this is an easy one, but I can't seem to figure out how to
ask Google right.

I just set up a dual boot Windows XP / Fedora 8 system.

I downloaded Fedora Core 8 i386 from the website.  When installing,
I modified the partition table to have a /home and a /share, but
that's the only changes I thought I made.

Everything seems to work fine now, except when I go to the menu
that allows me to select what to boot into, I was expecting to
find only XP (which was Other, until I changed it in grub) and
one Fedora option; I instead have two Fedora options, listed


 As an additional note
you should be careful manipulating one OS files from the other OS it
can lead to problems. If I were you I wouldn't let Windows see or
manipulate the Linux partition.

I completely agree with Max.  Using one OS to edit another OS's files is 
a bad idea all around if one of the OS's is Windows.  Linux to linux is 
fine, heck, Unix to Linux is probably okay, but the rule of thumb for me 
(YMMV) is like for like.

Libenter homines id quod volunt credunt -- Caius Julius Caesar

Mark Haney
Sr. Systems Administrator
ERC Broadband
(828) 350-2415

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