Re: bluetooth 2.0 is extremely slow

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-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: bluetooth 2.0 is extremely slow
From: Mike Cronenworth <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Fedora List <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 03/26/2008 08:24 PM

Hi all,

I've lived with slow transfer speeds long enough. Ever since I purchased an ASUS Bluetooth 2.0+EDR USB adapter it has always taken *minutes* instead of *seconds* to transfer files from my cell phone to my computer and vice versa.
Fedora 8, latest updates.
Nokia N95-1, latest firmware.

Both are Bluetooth 2.0+EDR devices.

It took *40 seconds* to transfer a 1 megabyte picture. I timed this with 'watch -n 1 date' for grins, so I can't give you nanosecond numbers, but even a rough estimate shows that transfer speeds are *abysmal* and need to be addressed. Ideally it should be taking less than 10 seconds to transfer the same image file on a true 2.0+EDR setup. I have two different computers with the same Asus adapter. Same speeds.
I saw someone fixed this by forcing larger MTUs. 

Before modifying the OpenOBEX sources, I posted a message on their 
board, but I haven't heard anything yet. Does anyone have any experience 
with this?

I hate to bump, but if no one on this list has an idea, what would the 
next best course of action be? fedora-devel? The OpenOBEX developers 
seem to be non-responsive.

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