Re: Recommended USB TV Capture

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Nicholas Robinson wrote:

I have a good wireless camera that generates video/audio, but since I upgraded my motherboard, there's nowhere to plug my old tv capture card in (you can tell my hardware knowledge is limited!!!)
Rather than buy another card, I was wondering about using one of these usb tv 
capture devices that you see lurking seductively on the impulse sections of 
the racks at PC World or wherever. Are they any good? Do any of them work 
with Fedora 8? Is there a big difference in quality even though there isn't a 
huge difference in price? Is there a specific one that someone knows works?
I got one from CompUSA in November, just before they admitted they were going out of business. You might find one on eBay or similar, the branding is theirs. Works on FC4 and FC7, probably work anywhere...
As for current stuff, no idea, and the specs change so often by the time 
I find one which works, the current available model isn't the same. Also 
not that some have no tuner, they take composite and S-video only.
If you want something serious, see, really awesome 
solution, at <$200.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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