Re: What's all the hype over Ubuntu?

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Rex Dieter wrote:
Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

OT: how can not have a
search box?
Sssh... you didn't hear this from me, but... (ok, you did, still)...
The fedora-infrastucture folks are working tirelessly to provide (something
like) that.  A sort of "My Fedora" portal, that can include all sorts of
customizable fedora'y content, including package info/updates, planet
blogs, bugzilla, and all sorts of other cool unspeakable hooks.
It seems surprising to me in this age of code-sharing that anyone still 
has to work tirelessly to re-invent a web server that provides the same 
services as a million other web servers.  Isn't there something that is 
reusable and would work for any project?
 Les Mikesell

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