Les wrote:
HI, folks,
I have been trying everything I can find, but cannot successfully sync
my Z22, nor my wife's M500. I have read countless messages, edited the
USB rules, achieved getting the /dev/palm entry up, but still cannot
reliably sync these palm devices. Moreover, I have modified and
remodified things to the point that I no longer remember all the things
I have done, and my notes are scattered over several bits of paper, and
so forth. I kept thinking if I just do what this last person has said,
it will work, but NOOOO!!!!
OK, I'm an idiot or idjit or just dumb and dumber, but can someone
please tell me just what is causing the sequence below:
I don't claim to be an expert but don't you sync a Z22 using a USB
Cable? If so, you should have it looking at USB: and not /dev/palm.