qt 3.3 applications complain in vnc sessions

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I have several f7 machines that I vnc into from windows and linux.

I've noticed all qt 3.3 applications, run through vnc, complain about :

"Xlib:  extension "XInputExtension" missing on display ":n.0".
Failed to get list of devices

This is mostly an annoyance but it is written to stderr. Some of my logging captures stderr and it is polluting things a bit.
A couple external Qt applications (not from Fedora or RedHat) popup a 
message on this error, and the apps crash if the popup is not closed in 
a certain sequence...with a stack tracing into a qt-mt.so deadlock.

My question is...it looks like fc7, fc8, fc9 all have qt 3.3.

Is this worth fixing?


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