Henning Larsen wrote:
On Fri, 2008-02-22 at 07:56 -0700, Robert Wuest wrote:
Yes, files are missing from the burned CD. Hundreds of files are
missing. It is not a permissions problem. My test of the data source
is this:
find . -type f -exec cat "{}" ";" >/dev/null
and that reports no problems.
I am not an expert, and I have not read all your posts, but I would do a
reinstall of the burner-apps. Why haven't you?
One thing you could try is to burn with lower speed. Sometimes when i
burn at max speed on my cd-burner, files is missing. It is even possible
to see that the media is "weak" written.
Also, there are different restrictions on filenames in ISO9660 even with
the various extensions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660
Are you sure the missing filenames are permitted?
Les Mikesell