I fatfingered Fedora 8 when I meant Fedora 7. I assume it's still valid.
Mike W
"Lose not thy airspeed, lest the ground rises up and smites thee." Anon.
Derek Schuurman wrote:
First, install clamav-update
yum install clamav-update
Make sure you edit /etc/sysconfig/freshclam and /etc/freshclam.conf as
necessary. In particular, make sure you comment out the "REMOVE ME"
line in /etc/sysconfig/freshclam and comment out the "Example" line in
/etc/freshclam.conf (also adjust any other settings as necessary).
Hope this helps,
On Fri, 8 Feb 2008, Mike - W0TMW wrote:
I just loaded Fedora 8 on a new server. I noticed that freshclam is
missing. All my other servers are running Fedora 3 or Fedora 4. Is
there a new method to insure clamav database is updated?