Re: Example of get nVidia

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Tim wrote:
On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 09:24 -0700, Karl Larsen wrote:
    To get the livna repo files in an rpm, you need to go to the livna
web page. Do this by putting livna into google. When there click on
the rectangle with your version of Fedora. A window will open up and
when you have the rpm downloaded you can leave the web page.
Not that expect the right response, but you should change that to saying
that Livna is *one* place you can install them from.  There are
alternatives, people don't have to do it this way.

This is where recipes fall apart.  They're either too single-minded, and
lock out other options, or become complicated if/then/elses.

In a root terminal type   yum install kmod-nvidia. You should get 4
rpm packages. When they are installed reboot your computer and it will
come up with the full features of nVidia video.
Simply doing "yum install kmod-nvidia" will only work if you have one of
the NVidia card supported by that package.  If you have an older one,
you'll have to work out which alternative package you'll need.  That may
involve reading from the nvidia website, really checking your hardware,
and a lot of head scratching.

   Here is rday's version of this example:

   Check and see if you have nVidia.

Question: How to get a driver

   Two step proceedure:

Step 1: Get a repo from livna or freshrpms.

Step 2. Install nVidia.

   Reboot and enjoy.


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