I did
something I don't plan on doing again, which was to blindly trust the
update process. I did a yum check-update and saw the packages
(something like 54mb) and then did a yum -y update && reboot
& (via ssh to my MythTV box) so I could close the window and the
process would complete. Next morning the box was acting funny so I
rebooted it to watch it load.
Services wpa_supplicant and nfs would not start so I started
poking around the log files and could not find anything out of the
ordinary. No errors in the yum log, in fact no entries for that day! I
then looked in the /var/cache/yum/packages (or something like that, I'm
at work right now) and saw MANY packages still there. I tried doing yum
update again but it would not run because it couldn't find the right
version of some library (I forget which now). I figured it was related
to the packages that were downloaded but not installed so I tried a rpm
-Uvh * in that folder but it complained of a unresolved dependency for
htmlview. I found the package yum was having trouble with and rpm
installed it.
Here's where I made my first major mistake in trying to
recover. I did a yum clean all which wiped out those packages and
immediately tried yum update. This time it only found 4 packages to
update which seemed to install fine. Again tried to reboot and
wpa_supplicant and nfs failed to start. I ended up just disabling
wpa_supplicant since this computer is hardwired only and the erase
dependencies were many. The nfs issue seemed to be related to an rpc
issue so I did a yum erase nfs and then yum install nfs and it was now
Next issue, I use the xterm trick to use Xine to play DVD's
in MythTV but it wasn't working. As it turns out Xine was fine and it
was now xterm which had a library issue. Did a yum erase xterm/yum
install xterm and now it's fine.
I'm not getting any errors or failed services anymore but I
can only guess what hidden gremlins are in the system now. Fortunately
it's only used as a MythTV/samba/nfs system and all those are working
so I'll probably leave it alone.
Any suggestions on figuring out which packages did not get updated or on how to figure out what exactly happned?
Things I have tried: (Some mentioned above)
yum clean all (no help)
rpm -rebuilddb (no help)
Looked at every log in /var/log I thought relevant. There are no entires from the original update process in yum.log. Does yum not write anything to the log file until 100% complete?
Is there a way to check if all dependencies of already installed packages are met?