Intermittent Disaster

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My Fedora 7 and 8 are working fine. Typically I bring up my Firefox web browser and try to read what is on the Google page. It is from a newspaper and it has a lot of advertising and pop-ups. While all this is coming up, sometimes it keys a sudden loss of the screen due to a full screen cross-hatch, and neither keyboard or Mouse work. The only thing to do is turn off power to the computer.
   This is an unacceptable event. It makes me MAD and since using ext3 
I can turn off the computer and not loose anything but sometimes I 
reboot and the problem will appear again in just a few minutes.
   This problem started right after I changed to this computer. And so 
did the need to get a Nvidia driver for Linux. So I think it must be the 
Nvidia software generating this. But I do not know this for a fact 
because the problem is very intermittent.
   I hate this problem so much I plan to load another F8 and see if one 
without Nvidia has the problem. The screen is just 800x600 but I can get 
Firefox working and see what happens.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
  PGP 4208 4D6E 595F 22B9 FF1C  ECB6 4A3C 2C54 FE23 53A7

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