Re: Contributing a new package

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Mamoru Tasaka wrote:
Colin Paul Adams wrote, at 12/30/2007 08:06 AM +9:00:
Is this the correct list to discuss the possibility of contributing a
new package to Fedora Linux? If not, where would be more appropriate?

I took a look at, but I'm
still not clear in my mind. Fedora-devel-list sounds like a possibility.
We would appreciate it very much. Please read
for becoming the maintainer of a new package.
Colin, the first thing to work out is does the package fit fedora's open 
source and non-patent guidelines:
- read through the page and links that Mamoru spoke of.
- take a look at some current fedora spec files: eg
- start a .spec file - note this needs to be fedora specific rather than taking a common one {that builds on many distros} from the upstream authors. It can however be a useful guide.
- install the local build tools and attempt to build
- iteratively fix errors /ask advice until you are able to build both both srpm and rpm - re-read the PackageMaintainers/Join page - doing all that nitty gritty stuff that leads to entering a bugzilla review request. - respond to review suggestions {note some packagers fail to respond after a month or so, if this continues the reviewer will lose interest - so keep on it, asking what questions you need to make progress.
- consider packaging it instead for or other third party repo. - rpmfusion generally want the package to meet the same guidelines {sans open source and patent items} that fedora requires, so it is a good idea to use the fedoraproject guides - the final bits of review, approval and public builds happen a bit differently.

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