Re: Linksys KiSS 1600 PC-LINK equivalent?

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Dick Holland wrote:
Dick Holland wrote:
Anyone know of a Linux equivalent for the Linksys KiSS 1600 Win/MAC
PC-LINK product?
Start by looking at Myth TV ( ) or LinuxMCE
( ) I think you'll find links at both places
for purchasing ready made systems.
TVM for the pointers. But I think they're not what I'm looking for.

The Linksys PC-LINK product is I think just a file-sharer that runs in
Win/MAC. I'm told that Windows Vista can do it automatically from Media
Player; I'm looking for a Linux equivalent of such file-sharing

Someone mentioned somewhere "kissd", but it seems to be a dormant
project. Anyone had any experience with it?
Sorry I thought you were looking for the whole kit-n-kabootle.

Okay since I'm a little confused please tell me what the KiSS 1600
is for and we can start the discussion there. I'm guessing that I
probably have some kind of solution for you but need a starting
point for the discussion.

The stuff I have, NLSU running TwonkyVision (media server), a
Linksys WMSL11B (media play, plays music) and a DSM320 (soon
to have the DSM320RD, media player, play video and music).
BTW, LinuxMCE and MythTV can be clients as wells as servers.

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