Re: Hard drive encryption question for dual-boot XP and Fedora

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On Monday 24 December 2007 02:45:54 pm Kerry Miller wrote:
> My company is requiring us to encrypt the hard drive on all laptops.
> We've already got some encryption software but it only works with Windows,
> not anything set up to dual boot or anything running VMware.  Do any of
> you guys know of some kind of encryption software (open source or not)
> that can handle a dual boot laptop with Windows XP on one partition and
> Fedora on the other?  He's already told me I need to get rid of my Linux
> partition but I need it for network diagnostics, I'm hoping if I can find
> an alternative he'll let me and the other network guy use a different
> encryption package.

    Be careful some of those windows encryptions will make it difficult if not 
impossible to have a linux partition that will boot.

   That said - if you can boot linux then this may be helpful. I actually went 
the other way, i deleted windows when I encrypted my laptop disk!!

    I have encrypted /home and swap. To deal with /tmp and /var/tmp leakage of 
information I remount (mount --bind)  these from the encrypted /home 
partitition. Knowing all I do today, I would avoid ancrypting root 
partition - it adds little additional security (some yes) but can be 
problematic if you run into  problems (ie cant boot).

   Basically i use /etc/crypttab to encrypt swap but this did not work 
correctly for me for /home so I hand scripted it (its     trivial to do).

   For some info see :
  Cant speak for F8 but encrypted root on F7 will not work until mkinitd is 
updated (see for 
some discussion). I believe (k)ubuntu does this out of the box - however as I 
said above I'd avoid encrypted root.

    good luck.


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