On Saturday 22 December 2007, offset wrote: > Anyone using a WD Passport hard drive with Fedora 8? Any issues. > > Thinking of buying one to use with a laptop. I use it with Fedora 7. From user's point it is almost the same as USB flash drive, just much more space. However, there are two things which must be taken into account. First, the drive does not have its own power supply and draws (when starting) about 650 mA from the USB port. That may prevent it from working on some notebooks if they allow only 500 mA current, as guaranteed by USB standard. Second, with current F7 hal/udev configuration, the drive does not stop after unmount with clicking "Safely remove" in KDE. If you just disconnect it the drive does emergency heads parking which is not always safe. To prevent this, I used sdparm to stop spinning the drive. Check message https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-list/2007-December/msg01922.html in this list for more info about this. Unfortunately, nobody replied to my question, so I tried to solve the problem myself. Check the script attached to this message and run it as root: sh wd-passport-solution install This will remove normal unmount procedure from HAL rules and replace it with a script which unmounts the drive and in 10 seconds stops it, so you can safely disconnect it from USB port. Remember, you will also need to install sdparm package to make this stuff working. If you don't like this HAL modification, just run sh wd-passport-solution clean I can not guarantee that this will work in Fedora 8 or with any future update. The problem is with HAL, its specification and methods how rules are added and removed. But this is another story... Serguei.
Description: application/shellscript