Hi, I have troubles with sound after upgrading from F7 to F8 (using the DVD, running 64 Bit). On a second machine, where I did a new install, sound runs fine, so did sound on my main machine while running F7. I tried to match the pusleaudio packages of the upgraded machine to the freshly installed one but that resulted in almost no sound working anymore. So I removed all packages containing pulseaudio in their name. That resulted in a situation where sound works in some applications and not in others. Applications where sound works: Rhythmbox MPlayer Xine Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Unreal Tournament 2004 nexuiz-glx Sound doesn't work in: Battle for Wesnoth Neverwinter Nights nexuiz-sdl That looks to me as if sound doesn't work when the systems SDL library is used. Does anybody have a solution for this? Thanks, Niels