Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
david walcroft wrote:
Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
What does "chkconfig --list cups" tell you?
mine shows:
cups 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:o
[david@reddwarf ~]$ sudo chkconfig --list cups
cups 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
[david@reddwarf ~]$
Looks like you have it installed (finally). Is it running?
/sbin/service cups status
It will tell you if the service is running or not. If it is not, start
it via:
/sbin/service cups start
Let us know what happens with each.
[david@reddwarf ~]$ sudo service cups status
cupsd (pid 26999) is running...
[david@reddwarf ~]$ sudo /sbin/service cups start
Starting cups:
[david@reddwarf ~]$
[david@reddwarf ~]$ sudo service cups start
Starting cups:
[david@reddwarf ~]$
Sorry to take so long.