François Patte wrote:
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There is, at least, one gnome-screensaver which can lead you to be
lynched by people you did not know 15 minutes ago! Want to experience it?
1- Go into a library, where people are working hard, with your f8 computer.
2- Let your computer switch on while you are going to fill some papers
in order to get some books.
When you come back to your place, if you are lucky, your computer is
displaying a nice firework with all sounds related to: craaaack!
fssssssssiiiishhhh! and so on! And people around are staring at you with
ideas of murder in their eyes.
Just a few questions about this: why screensavers are the default in
gnome, even if you had borrowed your home directory with all config
files from a previous install and had requested (in this previous
install) no screensavers. Why locking the screen is the default, so
people cannot even move your mouse to stop the noise? Why, there is no
way now to choose the screensavers you don't want to be run? Why....
- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 44 55 35 61
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It makes life more interesting... Honestly though; over here
(Wisconsin), I wouldn't leave my laptop alone (in public place), even to
use the bathroom. Seen too many stories of business laptops being stolen
(usually with employee info to boot).