We have a file system mounted to /home2 to which we do backups.
It has been writable for quite some time (to root at least). However, now, trying
to do anything requiring writing gives an error which sometimes says "read only
file system".
I heard sometimes if linux encounters errors in a disk it will remount it as read only.
A mount -l however shows it as
/dev/sdb1 on /home2 type ext3 (rw) []
and ls -ls on it: 4 drwxrwxr-x 9 root cusload 4096 Oct 3 10:19 /home2
So it appears to be writable.
Doing antyhing like > /home2/test or vi /home2/test (or any subdirectory)
gives errors though about not being able to write (or read only file system).
Any idea what is going on?