Re: The case against NetworkManager

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Rahul Sundaram wrote:
antonio montagnani wrote:

I agree with you: I am using F8T3 and I have found that NM is not
working properly, I mean that it doesn't fulfill the need of an
average user.
Test releases are not meant for the average users but for testers to 
find bugs and report them so that the releases that follow can fix the 

I am simple minded and I decided to try NM and it worked fine. I learned you MUST turn off the other program "network" before you turn on NM. Notice that I said turn on and turn off both "network" and NM.
   This I think needs to be stated: Load both network and NM and then 
try NM and see if it works for you. If not just turn network back on. 
There is no good reason not to try NM.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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