Re: Music - connecting FC5 machine to home stereo

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Todd Zullinger wrote:
Peter Horst wrote:
You know, I'm probably just experiencing some irrational resistance
here - there just seems to be something wrong with the idea that
proper-sounding music could come out of a tiny little mini-jack :-)
I'm sure it's fine....
I suppose it depends on how good your ears and your listening
standards are.  I've been using a 1/8" mini-jack to RCA into my
receiver for years now and I think it sounds fine.  It sounds good
enough that I've never been motivated to look for any better solution.

The cables were pretty cheap, so it's probably worth giving that
method a try.  If it sounds good to you, then you don't have to look
any further.

The big problem with a tiny mini jack is just that if it gets hit by anything it will break and be a mess. Also vibrations can cause it to be noisy. But in a matter of a few years it should work great.
   I have the same thing and I remote it out front and plug in good 
earphones and a mike. My hearing is poor and no room for a pair of big 
speakers. So I listen to my music from the sound card on my motherboard 
and the sound is GREAT!


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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