On Fri, 5 Oct 2007, mfleming@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Wietse doesn't like MailScanner because it's had a nasty history of accessing queue files directly, which will break if the queue file format changes at any stage (for example when DSNs were introduced etc.). I can certainly understand his PoV (and frustration when cluebies blame postfix for breaking MailScanner when it's really MailScanner that's flawed) --Michael. (I have both amavisd/postfix and MailScanner/exim @ work, so I've dealt with both apps ;-))
That method was discarded ages ago, but it still worked anyway, however i've never been a fan of postfix so personally it doesn't bother me :)
-- Cheers Res Slackware -V- sloooUbuntoooou http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/93393/