Re: Phishing - Linux boxes are vulnerable

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On Thu, 4 Oct 2007, Matthew Miller wrote:

On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 08:48:25AM +1000, Res wrote:
6. use a respected server OS, one that doesnt hack the f#ck out of
  programs like RH(CentOS) do
"Respected" is kind of a funny term here given RHEL sales, but let's let
that slide and look at the premise. One of the key tenets of Fedora is
"upstream, upstream, upstream". Hacking the "f#ck" out of packages is
strongly discouraged.
but still done, I mean Bind comes in one package, Sendmail in one, bot 
split up into little pieces, you only have to look in the scr.rpm to see 
99 times of out 100 there s a vendor specific patch, that does not exist 
in say sendmail-version.tar.gz or bind-version.tar.gz
You only have to read the lsit of updates from fedora/RH and even debian 
and others on certain mailing lists to see update update update update, 
yet the original package is still the same and the authors say no they 
made changes, this is why we use slackware, and of course why many lazy 
admins detest it :)

Do you have any data to back this assertion? I read every security
see above



Slackware -V- sloooUbuntoooou

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